أبريل 27، 2010

Crowded mind

هكذا كتبتُها، خارجة من كل العقبات، زحام المشاعر و الأفكار و اللغة..
حاولتُ جُهدي أن ألحق تسلل أفكاري، أن أمشي مع تيار الرسائل العصبية المتشابكة، فلا تُعلّق على عبثيتها أو على أخطائها الإملائية
لأنني أنا، تركتُها كما هي..
بل اشعرْ بكل انكسارات الحبر في محاولةٍ للوصول إلى .. نهاية الفكرة.

قم بالضغط على الصور كي تظهر بحجمها الطبيعي

My beautiful best friend rewote it for me, Thanks A lot!

It's called a present; because it's an orphan opportunity to be prepared for the future!

It can't be exchanged sometime, But some opportunities comes one time a life!

That's why it's called orphan.

Every day is gift, called present!

Nothing more we need to fix our mistakes.

It looks cheap, but when it passes it becomes more clear how expensive it was. As time passes, We realize that we missed A lot of our time life in which we can be in a completely different shape!

It's destiny, everything is written, but when we ask for help "from God " to guide us, he will.

God had Already showed as the path to success, we just have to follow his instructions!

Success isn't something stable, It doesn't come to us if we didn't sail to it!

We may get lost, face cruel weather, drown...
But if our will is strong to believe it can do anything unless God is in our side, then we'll pass All these dips to get to our wanted Goal!
It's that easy, just the will and help from God, Nothing more!
Zahra Mohammad

25/ 4 / 2010. M

English Exam!

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. [ Success isn't something stable, It doesn't come to us if we didn't sail to it! ]

    I love these Sentence, Because it... like [ When You want , You can ] !

    you are good in English Literature!

    Continue.. my dear .

    We can write things Important and Beautiful.. by the Language , any Language we love !


    :) .

  2. Erery language has it's beauty revealing the in side thoughts,and you cannot feel it when you translate it.

    Thanks for reading, I really enjoy reading the readers thought about what i write.

    best wishes..

  3. yes , I know that ..!!

    just I want say :

    Is important!

    in our Literature,,. [ our idea , .... what we think ] !

    understand me ? !


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